This is the thing I have the hardest time with when working towards my ultimate food storage goal of one year. Do you know how much water three people need for one year?! I don't, but I know I'm NO WHERE close to having enough. Actually, it's not convenient to have a years supply of water, no one has enough space to store it, so it's not recommended. A think a three-month's supply is what's recommended. Anyway, I don't have enough, not even close.
We don't often buy bottled juices. Usually we buy frozen concentrate and make that up. I'm kind of a juice junkie. But when they're a good deal, like during the case lot sale, they were about $1.50 a bottle. The frozen concentrate I like is about $1 a can, so it was worth it to me to buy the 2 qt bottles of apple juice.
So after I finish my juice, which only takes me like 1 day, 2 days at the most (I told you, I'm a juice junkie!) I send the bottle through the dishwasher and fill it full of water.
Slowly but surely, I'll have my water storage!