For the most part, I don't mind living in Utah. But the cost of living is V-E-R-Y high, and we honestly couldn't afford to live here, if we didn't have family to help us out. a 1 bedroom, 1 bath apartment in my city is around $800 a month!! that's not including any utilities. (that's also equal to one paycheck for us!)
a wonderful perk though are the local grocery stores have annual caselot sales. What's a caselot sale you ask? It's wonderful. Basically, the store puts items on sale for super cheap, but you have to buy a certain amount to get the sale price. You have to buy a case worth.
For example: a can of cream of mushroom soup usually costs about $1.25 or if it's on sale, you can get it for about a dollar. But during the caselot sale (my local caselot stores are Macey's Grocery, and Harmon's Grocery) I can buy a case of cream of mushroom soup for about $.69 a can!! This is because I'm buying a case of 24 cans that are 10.5oz (your normal size can) for $16.56.
This is a great deal! These sales are wonderful for building up a fod storage, or for even getting the items you use alot for a great price. Like pasta sauces and noodles. Both can store quite well fo a long period of time. Ad if you can get a case of them better than you can get them on sale? Well, that means it's time to STOCK UP!!
and as a side note, the wednesday deals I was planing to post as my local news channel talked about them, are not what I thought they would be. On the plus side though, I'm putting a few new recipes on Recipes of a Cheapskate, and I'm working on a post for a great way for a beginner to store their coupons.
7 Day Challenge Day 7: Meals-in-a-Jar
Welcome to the final day of the 2024 7 Day Challenge. For 7 days, we tested
our Emergency Preparedness and Food Storage Plans through a series of mini
5 months ago
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