So I decided to go through our food. I pulled out every unopened item from the storage room and the pantry and went through it all.
As I've mentioned before, I'm LDS. My church leaders council us to have a years supply of food storage. at minimum, a three-month supply I believe. I understand for some people a years supply just isn't possible. It's really not possible for us either, as we live in a basement apartment, and don't have much storage space. But it's important for our family to follow the council of our leaders and obey.
So I wanted to know where we stood, since it's a new year, and I have resolutions for our family to have a food supply that we can live off of. I don't have a food storage of items our family won't eat, because it won't do us any good. For example: we don't eat hardly ANY beans, lentils are as close as we get, and sometimes refried beans. But pasta. . .wow, we eat that all the time! so have about 40-50 lbs of pasta right now. I don't know how long that will last us, but I think it'll take us at least 3 months to finish it off, if we ate it every day.
and now that I've written everything down, I know exactly what we have, and I can plan meals from our pantry. That will help cut down our food budget, and I can put the money somewhere else it's needed.
Happy snow day everyone! :)
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Great post..
I'm not LDS.. but I'm working towards the same goal in stockpiling.. I'm taking an extra $10 a week and buying non perishables.. and stocking up... usually using coupons and sales!!
Great idea for the beans.. trading off with the pasta.. we're NOT bean eaters at all.. and I really never thought to replace with Pasta...!!
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