Wheat has an amazingly long shelf life. As in 30+ years. If you're looking for things to store long term, this is a great item. And I want to store it. But I have a hard time knowing what to do with wheat. Growing up, we would eat cracked wheat for breakfast. I don't know how my parent's made it, but I love it! It's nice to have a warm breakfast when it's like 10 degrees outside.
My mother would also grind her wheat in an old commercial coffee grinder (this thing was HUGE, and super noisy--scared the living daylights out of me more than once!) and have wheat flour.
A lot of wheat grinders are electric. Which is nice, until you have no power for an extended period of time. You have to live off your food storage, and you have all this wheat, and can't grind it into to flour--which is easier to find something to make with than whole wheat.
This one, pictured above is the one I'm currently looking at. It's from Emergency Essentials, and the price isn't too bad either. It's on my list of things I need for my food storage supply. Along with a camp stove, and water purifier. If only I had thought of these things when I was working at an outdoor/camping store in college and could get awesome discounts!
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