Is it friday again? The days have become a blur to me. . . .and I haven't posted in a while.
I'd like to tell you about the 12 meal plan. (actually, you can pick whatever number you want, 12 just fits nicely with a year). The way the 12 meal plan works is to give you enough supplies to make 12 meals, 31 times, so they will last you for an entire year.
Clear as mud?
Good, let's move on.
Pick 12 meals that your family would eat and that you can store the things needed. Meals like spaghetti are good. off the top of my head I can't think of any other ones. But I have a head cold (STILL!!! it's been lingering back and forth for about a month now).
After you pick your 12 meals, make a list of all the ingredients for each meal (how much you'll need to make each one) and multiply it by 31. So for spaghetti, if you use one package of noodles each time you make it, you'll need 31 packages. Every month you pick ONE of your meals and buy all the ingredients to make that meal 31 times.
At the end of 1 year, you will have enough meals to last you for a year in your storage! Fantastic! And if you wanted to go above and beyond, another idea is to pick breakfasts and lunches as well. Breakfast could be easy since there are so many muffin mixes and dry mixes you could just add water to.
I'm going to work on my list and get back to you. Let me know what ideas you have! and good luck!
7 Day Challenge Day 7: Meals-in-a-Jar
Welcome to the final day of the 2024 7 Day Challenge. For 7 days, we tested
our Emergency Preparedness and Food Storage Plans through a series of mini
5 months ago
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